Ballymacret Road, East Belfast
Major Fredrick Crawford, Captain James Craig, Captain Joe Long, Vol Robert (Squeak) Seymore
ULSTER VOLUNTEER FORCE, 16th JUNE 2001. Mural Un-veiling (East Belfast Batt)
Oration given at the unveiling of the Mural
Welcome one and all, it is a tremendous honour for me to be here to-day to dedicate this beautiful MEMORIAL to four of Ulsters greatest sons VOLUNTEERS OF THE HIGHEST ORDER
On behalf of the Regimental Band of the Ulster Volunteer Force, who in conjunction with the East Belfast Battalion, Ulster Volunteer Force, organised to-days most successful parade. I would like to thank all those who took part in the days proceedings, and for those present now to bear with me and pay silent tribute as you receive the following oration to the Eternal Memory of our friends and Comrades.
The oration takes the form of a brief history of each Volunteers constructive roll in the making of an Army
Major Fredrick Hugh Crawford alias, Hugh Mathews, John Washington Graham, Robert Smith. Foremost Gunrunner, NOT from 1913 as popular history would have us believe, but as early as 1890 this Volunteer was attempting to arm the PEOPLES ARMY. Major Crawford travelled Europe-wide during the formative years of The Organisation, securing the purchase of thousands of weapons for the Volunteers. His dedication to the cause knew no bounds, for this he is honoured here today.
Lieutenant. Col. James Craig, Assistant Adjutant/Quarter-Master General, UVF 36th Division. Former Prime Minister, Northern Ireland.
"In the early days Captain James Craig was chief Recruiting Officer for The Volunteers, his Duties included the out-fitting of each Volunteer and the construction of training camps throughout Ulster. Captain Craig met, on several occasions, the War Cabinet of the then British Government. It was Captain Craig who pledged to raise NOT a Brigade but a DIVISION to serve on the field of battle. His Dedication to the Cause knew no bounds, for this he is honoured here today".
Captain Joe Long, Volunteer Robert (Squeak) Seymour.
It is not for me to disclose the Operations and Bravery of these Gallant Men, needless to say, both volunteers, took the military campaign to the very DOORSTEP of VIOLENT REPUBLICANISM, neither showing regard for their personal safety or FREEDOM. Both men knowing the risks of their convictions, their only thoughts being the DEFEAT of the IRA and the future of Ulster, their Ulster. OUR ULSTER. Captain Joe Long and Volunteer Robert Seymour were a CREDIT to the Ulster Volunteer Force,
To their Families and Comrades gathered here today I would say, do not gaze at this Memorial and feel pain for these MEN are VOLUNTEERS WITHOUT WHOM ULSTER WOULD HAVE BEEN LOST, VOLUNTEERS WITHOUT WHOM WE WOULD NOT BE HERE